Sunset Beach Park | We’re Back!

Fish Creek | Spending Time Together

Fish Creek Air BnB | 40th Anniversary Celebration

Sunset Beach Park and Clark Park | Door County Family Vacation

Clark Park in Fish Creek | Door County Family Photography

Sunset Beach Park and Clark Park | Family Photos Before the Storm

Clark Park | Door County Family Vacation

Clark Park and Sunset Beach Park | Door County Family Vacation

Sunset Beach Park and Clark Park | A Door County Family Vacation

Clark Park | Family in the Park

Sunset Beach Park and Clark Park | Family Vacation and a Surprise Announcement

Sunset Beach Park and Clark Park | A Door County Family Vacation

Clark Park | 94th Birthday Party

Sunset Beach Park and Clark Park | Door County Family Vacation Photography

Fish Creek's Sunset Beach and Clark Parks | Celebrating 40 Years

Fish Creek's Sunset Beach and Clark Park | Family Photography for Another Photographer
As a photographer, one of the biggest compliments I can get is when another photographer hires me for a family session. Since Brianna and her family were staying in Fish Creek, we chose to work at Sunset Beach Park and Clark Park (my most popular Fish Creek locations), and of course get ice cream at the end!

Fish Creek's Sunset Beach and Clark Park | A 50th Anniversary Photo Session
Mr. and Mrs. White have been married for 50 years, and they wanted a family photo session to mark the occasion. Together they have five grandchildren, and I asked the kids about their favorite thing to do with their grandparents and they said, “Make box forts!” I haven’t made a box fort in years; add that to my to-do list!

Fish Creek's Sunset Beach and Clark Park | What Year Did We Start Dating?
“On the count of 3, I want to know the year you started dating…… 1… 2… 3!”
“2015!” Karen exclaimed.
Karen’s husband, who didn’t offer an answer of his own, quickly looked at her with the most confused expression. “2015? You think we started dating 5 years ago?”

Fish Creek | An Extended Family Vacation
It’s become a tradition to get ice cream at the end of my Fish Creek family sessions not only because it’s a fantastic motivator, but also because the results are absolutely timeless. We should all remember what it’s like to have ice cream smeared across our faces and not a care in the world.

Fish Creek's Sunset Beach and Clark Park | A Chipped Tooth and Family Vacation
It’s been a late start to the 2020 photography season with COVID and the ensuing uncertainty, but I’m excited to ease into some resemblance of normalcy. I was blessed to kickoff the summer with an awesome extended family vacation in Fish Creek!