Fish Creek's Sunset Beach and Clark Park | What Year Did We Start Dating?
I have two moments courtesy of Karen that I’d like to share with you, and the first came when photographing her and her husband in the woods.
“On the count of 3, I want to know the year you started dating…… 1… 2… 3!”
“2015!” Karen exclaimed.
Karen’s husband, who didn’t offer an answer of his own, quickly looked at her with the most confused expression. “2015? You think we started dating 5 years ago?”
Karen burst out laughing as she realized that they’ve been together long enough for their kids to have kids. Eventually they landed on the correct year together :)
The second moment came when photographing Karen and her husband by the waterfront. We had just finished our formals.
“Are there any other pictures you’d like together?” I asked.
Karen looks at her husband and says, “I want you to dip me as far back as you can, and I want to show my blue cast to the world.”
And they did!