Sister Bay | A Father's Day Gift For The Whole Family
But what do you do to get a genuine reaction from five adults, three dogs, and a baby for a picture? Well, I’ll let you use your imagination :)

Door County's Crossroads at Big Creek | Kids, Dogs, and Family
With six kids and three dogs, we had a lot of energy in our session and focused more on the in-between moments than traditional portraits. Each family takes photographs a little differently, and it’s important to tailor sessions accordingly. We started by the Heritage Village’s historic buildings for large group shots, walked to my favorite foot bridge, stopped in the fields, found a nice spot along the trail, and finished in the tall cedars by the parking lot. With all that covered ground, I was pretty tired by the end!

Fish Creek's Homestead Suites | Gary and Marsha's 50th Anniversary
To make the day special, Gary and Marsha rented a house in Fish Creek for their entire family to stay the week. Everyone had such sparkling personalities, and they welcomed me with open arms. I learned which of Gary and Marsha’s three boys was the biggest trouble maker growing up, their grandchildren’s favorite ice cream (chocolate and cotton candy), and narrowly escaped a $20 bet that the kids couldn’t wrestle their uncle to the ground in five seconds (I’d never been so relieved to count to six).