Wills Park | We're Back!

Grand View Park | Family Vacation

Wagon Trail Campground | Family Vacation

Bayview Resort | Family Photography Session

Ellison Bay | Family Hangout Time

Ellison Bluffs and Harbor Park | Running from the Rain
We started our session at the Ellison Bluffs State Natural Area before it started to rain. After looking at the storm radar and seeing that we were at the edge of the rain moving northeast (everything south of us appeared dry), we decided to drive south to finish our session.

Ellison Bluffs State Natural Area | Five Year Anniversary Family Session
If you ask someone where they’ll be in five years, they’ll often give an answer similar to where they are today. Maybe they’ll think they’ll have a new promotion, but they usually don’t anticipate anything too life changing. But where were you five years ago? I was still in college studying chemistry, not married yet, and toying around with the idea of moving home to Door County after graduation. Today I have an amazing wife, house, cat, and a promising photography career. Where will we be in five years? I can’t even image.

Ellison Bay's Bayview Resort | Three Sisters and Their Families
Every year, three sisters (who are now grandmothers themselves) spend a week at the Bayview Resort with their families. That’s incredible! I don’t know about you, but I can’t imagine coordinating my schedule with 31 other people for an entire week. It’s also amazing how close a family this size is. I know that my grandparents have brothers and sisters, but I don’t think I’ve ever met them (and certainly not their children or their children’s children).